Written by Julia Hornyak |
Photos from Google |
Since the Old Morgan is going to be torn down in a matter of months, the class of 2016 thought of a way to take home a piece of the old school. The class of 2016 will be starting a fundraiser to “vandalize” your lockers, but in an appropriate and fun way. Students can paint, color, use stickers, or even leave their lockers blank if they choose to do so. All options are endless to its owner. This fundraiser is open to all the classes, and everyone is allowed to take home the purchased lockers at the end of the year. This will be the beginning of the long destruction process for The Morgan School.

We want to end our last few months in this school making the most out of the time we have with it. Just imagine walking down the hallways filled with color and creativity which will help make our normal school more inviting and fun for the students who go here. It is also a way to show your personality through your locker like the ones pictured above from the set of Nickelodeon TV show Victorious.
If you want to decorate your locker, you must fill out a form. On this form, the student must draw and plan what they will be doing to his or her locker in the space provided. Students cannot decorate their locker without an approved plan and payment first. If you want to write a check, you can make it out to the class of 2016. As of right now, the cost for decorating a locker is 15 dollars but it may be more if people would like to “hire” an artist from their grade who has offered to do lockers for others. You do not have to hire an artist if you would like to decorate it yourself, but if you do not have any artistic ability, you can commission it yourself and ask an artistic friend or someone who has offered to paint lockers. The pricing will be determined at a later time since it is still under discussion.
This fundraiser is still in the works because many of the artists in our school may be asked to paint lockers which can be a little too much for one person to handle. The application also requires students to give their name, name of their advisor, locker number, and a description of their plan. They must also sign their name stating that they will not do anything inappropriate and understand that if they do so, there will be consequences.
Those who decorate their locker and do not pay will be faced with an accountability which means no prom, no walking at graduation, and no diploma in regards to seniors. Also, every person must bring in their own supplies to decorate their lockers. Even if you had a different locker last year, you can only decorate the locker you have currently.
Taking home lockers will be very sentimental to the seniors since they have had the same locker for all four years. The Class of 2016 will be the last class to ever graduate from this school; therefore, they get to take a piece of the school with them because soon there will be nothing left except photos as proof of its existence. The lockers can be a unique decoration piece to bring to their dorms in college. As for underclassmen, they can wait to bring it with them to college or even use it to decorate their room at home.
Our school is very fortunate to have Principal Keri Hagness who agreed to the locker decorations because no other schools are allowed to actually paint their lockers. The only reason we are allowed to is because the lockers will be destroyed anyways along with the rest of the school. The Morgan School is our second home, and we can make it more personal by expressing ourselves through our lockers and taking a piece of it home to remember all of the memories made within the years we were students here at The Morgan School. The exact times of when to decorate lockers is still in the works, but more information will be given out at another time when they determine the fundraiser details.
Paige • Apr 1, 2016 at 1:51 pm
That’s an awesome idea and I’m glad that its being allowed! Mrs. Hagness is a wonderful principal.