Written by Melissa Sullivan and Kayla Burt|
Photos by Steady Photography|
The Morgan School guidance department is one of the most frequently visited spots in the school. From helping students to choose classes to helping with personal problems, the guidance counselors always have our back. Recently they decided to switch to a program called the Academy Model. In the Academy Model, counselors focus on two grades: 9-10 or 11-12. Students are assigned counselors based on their grades and last names. Guidance Counselor Joni Capobianco counsels freshmen and sophomores with last names A-K. Guidance Counselor Janice O’Brien counsels freshman and sophomores with letters L-Z. Guidance Counselor Mya Rodowicz counsels juniors and senior letters A-K. Guidance Counselor Christie Williams- Kahn counsels juniors and seniors with letters L-Z.

The Academy Model was created in order to provide specialization for the transitions in and the transitions out of high school. This gives the guidance counselors the ability to become excellent in their field rather than just being “good” in all the fields. It provides the students with counselors that are highly advanced in their field and who know exactly when and how to help their students. Although this sounds very beneficial there have been some mixed views about this program.

Junior Burton Caldwell said “ I personally did not enjoy switching because I created a strong bond with mine and now I believe it is a pivotal moment in my young adulthood where I need those strong bonds.”

Even though there were many students who do not enjoy the new split, Senior Rebecca Turner had a positive comment to share: “The change was a positive thing for me. The new guidance counselor I have is a better fit because we have the same thinking.”
Many are wondering how the Academy model has been beneficial to the students. Freshman and sophomore guidance counselor Ms. Capobianco said, “I think this model has been going better than we ever planned because we are finding more time to get even more hands on and do more things with our students,” she explains, “Now you guys are getting more services than you were previously.” The purpose of this model is to provide the students with specialized counselors for their grade level. These counselors are now able to focus more on their specifically assigned students rather than a large group of students.

On a daily basis, the guidance counselors are working hard and diligently with the student’s interests in mind. They want what is best for the students here. They hope that this program change will help the students be successful throughout their four years at Morgan.