Written by Emily Sordo and Hannah Gaudet|
Recently there has been a splurge of students getting banned from the school sports games. The most recent incident involved a student calling out a player on the Old Lyme team for having chap stick in his sock.
While some might call our student section “too rowdy or obnoxious”, the lovely Mathematics teacher Michael Underwood, a supervisor for the sports games says otherwise. “I think at times they don’t get rowdy enough. The only trouble is when they do get rowdy, they seem to go overboard and talk about things that are not important like how somebody looks or how someone carries themselves.”
If you ask the students of Morgan, most would agree, but they also say that sometimes the supervisors are too strict. Senior Lucas Lennox thinks that the supervisors at the game are not too strict, just some situations were handled wrong. However, he thinks the rules limit the games fun because “we can’t say anything without being chewed out.” Junior Matt Capece, compared our games to college games, and said “If anyone thinks our student section is obnoxious, you should go look at UCONN’s.”
Assistant Principal Tyler Webb said once the taunting within the student section becomes personal, he feels the need to intervene. Do students think their banning was fair? Two students who were recently banned both say “absolutely not”. Basketball star Junior Shannon Maher said the taunting from another team’s student section actually motivates her and that our students “don’t say anything bad”. Is banning necessary and fair or is it a way for supervisors to control what the students say and do?