Written By Tejas Patel|
Next year there will be a change in the courses offered in the English Department. Seniors will no longer choose from electives. Instead of choosing from electives, students will take two semesters of English IV.
In semester 1, English IV will basically be what is now Senior Writing. Semester two of English IV will include some of the course work currently offered in the former English electives. In English IV, there will be a level one and two. However, students wishing to take honors English will take UCONN English and/or Humanities. Some classes such as Film Study, Media Literacy and Journalism will be offered as electives for students who wish to take additional English classes.
We asked some English teachers how they feel. One response came from English teacher Leslie Chausse ” It’s not a bad idea. It will help even out the number of students in the senior English classes.”
English Teacher Eric Bergman explained, “It does not really affect me. As long as I can work with the students then I’m fine because it’s about interacting with the students because I know my classes all have all the different types of English classes infused into it.”
English Teacher and English Program Chairman Paul Serenbetz said, ” It is about time. I’m glad this is happening because English IV is about refining what you have learned. We have set it up so the first semester is basically Senior Writing. It is about making sure students get ready for college. In the second semester, it will be about projects and being more college based.”
Students such as Freshman Calvin Jackson said, ” I dislike it very much because of the fact that past students could take [electives] as an English credit.” Senior Julia Hornyak says it is unfair for kids in classes like Journalism to not have it count as an English credit, but it makes sense as to why they are doing it. Sophomore Zach Corbett said,” I definitely don’t like the lack of choices, but it is also good that it is the same for more students.” Junior Sam Moran expressed his disapproval, ” It is a load of bologna; they are acting like they don’t write and read in classes like Film Study or Journalism.”
To learn more about the course offerings, click on the link to take you to the Program of Studies.