Written By Chelsea Pacheco
Pictures By: Arielle Passante and Willow Pender and Chelsea Pacheco and KidSitter
One of the most popular jobs for a teenager is babysitting. As a teen, you may think that babysitting is a simple way to make a little extra cash. Little did I know, it is the total opposite. Here are some of the Morgan students funny babysitting stories and a little advice on how to keep the children under control.

Senior Chelsea Pacheco-
When I babysit, I have to entertain. I watch three girls, ages 12, 8, and 6. The 12 year old is very independent and does not need a lot of attention. On the other hand, the 8 year old and the 6 year old need a lot of attention. If I do not give them equal amounts of attention, they get mad at me and tell me that I do not like them. One night I was babysitting, and I was putting the youngest to bed. I noticed she was acting quiet and her face became pale. She looked at me with fear in her eyes, and she said “I don’t feel good.” I picked her up and ran her to the bathroom where she began to throw-up everywhere. I kept saying “everything is going to be okay. You’ll be okay.” When she finished vomiting ,she automatically had a bunch of energy and ran to her room and began to jump on the bed. I was very confused. I texted her parents to say she was sick, and they came home. I told them that after she was done throwing-up, she had all this energy, but I still put her to bed and made sure she was okay.
Advice: My advice to you if you want to babysit, if you have to watch more than one child, make sure you have your attention on all the children. Do not favor a child because the other child will feel hurt, and your chances to babysit for them again might be slim to none.

Senior Arielle Passante-
For me, babysitting was not all that bad. I had to watch the children, 2 boys in Pierson and Eliot, 5 times a week from 3-7. I would have to get them off the bus and then make sure they started their homework. One day, I was going to get my child off the bus, and when he arrived, he said he had no homework so I let him go play outside. After about 2 minures, I did not hear him or see him in the yard. I started freaking out and started yelling his name, and then I realized that the dog was not in the house either. “I lost the child and the dog,” I said to myself. I literally began crying, and I was screaming the dog’s name. “Maybe he would come running back?”, but he did not. I started to walk down the road when I heard splashing and laughing. “I GOT IT. I FINALLY CAUGHT IT!” I started to scream, “ETHAN! WHERE ARE YOU!” I saw him in the little pond near their house. He had a frog in his hand and the dog was soaking wet. “I went to catch you a frog because I remember you said you like frogs.” The thoughts that were running through my mind at that very moment were crazy, but I was just happy that Ethan was okay, along with the dog.
Advice: My advice for babysitting is to literally watch the children and check up on them when they are outside to make sure that they are in your sight.
The boy in Arielle’s care was only “missing” for a moment, but she will long remember the panic she felt even though he was never in danger.
Quinn Pender-
So babysitting is not my thing, I do not know how to make the kids happy. I try to babysit my nephew Jaxon, but I swear he hates me because I try to talk to him and make him happy, but he ignores me. So now, I only feed him and make sure he is safe.
Advice: While babysitting, make sure that you have activities to keep the kids entertained. You do not want to have the children be boring and then have them get mad and annoyed, they will be even harder to keep calm. You do not want the children to think you are boring, the parents might not ask you to babysit ever again.
If you or anyone you know wants to start a babysitting career, this website gives good tips on what to do while babysitting. Here is a simple tip from me: if you are not good with kids or do not like kids, do not babysit. Babysitting requires the love of kids, entertaining the children, and having patience.
If you have any funny babysitting stories, please share and comment in the comment section below!