Written by: Chris Waterbury|
This year brings many new changes to The Morgan School. We have been gifted with the hiring of a new mathematics department head Gregory Garb. Mr. Garb has worked as a math consultant and was formerly the head of the math department in Winsted, but he decided to come to The Morgan School due to opportunity, environment, and as he says, “I want to make a difference”.
Mr. Garb brings his passion to other aspects of his life as well. He is a strong supporter of “healthy living”. In his free time, he enjoys bicycling as well as cooking and learning foreign languages.

Mr. Garb was all positive when looking into his future teaching here at The Morgan School. So far Mr. Garb has managed well; he has been positively influenced by the staff and students. He says,”Everyone shares common goals and school pride.”
Along with many positives, Mr. Garb has faced a few challenges adjusting to our school. His main challenge has been making his classes work for all students by adjusting and changing teaching styles so he can get across to each and every student. Mr. Garb’s positivity and drive to make a difference will help him succeed as a great head of the mathematics department.
mmcdermott2014 • Oct 16, 2014 at 9:02 am
As soon as I heard rumors about how Mr. Garb rode his bike to school everyday I knew that I had to read this article! Very imformative and Mr. Garb seems like he really wants to make a difference.
tashawalker0424 • Oct 16, 2014 at 8:50 am
I have been curious about Mr. Garb ever since I heard that he rides his bike from Middletown every day to school! The title definitely got me even more intrigued to read this article and find out more about this interesting new teacher. Great job accenting on his different traits like cooking and foreign language.
benjack1 • Oct 16, 2014 at 8:49 am
From personal experience, Mr. Garb is a great teacher who is always willing to help out students with material they are learning. It is good to see teachers who are so in tune with helping their students grow.
charlottelimosani • Oct 11, 2014 at 2:38 pm
Nice job on the article Chis! He seems like a great teacher and I heard many good things about him from my friends who have him this year. It’s good to know about the new teachers who come to teach at Morgan.
madisonheidkamp • Oct 8, 2014 at 10:44 am
I enjoyed reading this article about Mr. Garb, I like his passion about his work and his continuous positivity throughout his classes. Sweet job Chris!
Madison Heidkamp • Oct 8, 2014 at 10:43 am
I truly enjoyed reading this article about Mr. Garb, I like his passion about his work and his positivity, sweet job Chris!
paulhotchkiss • Oct 8, 2014 at 9:52 am
This article really tells me about this new teacher